Eleni Kotsoni is a visual artist based in Athens and has previously lived in Lausanne, Paris, Barcelona, and Copenhagen.
She studied Archeology and Art History (Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1984-1988) and continued with a scholarship in Art History (Sorbonne IV, Paris 1990-1991). In 1990 she began studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where she graduated in 1995. Along with her studies she was a member of Atelier Jean Bertholle (1993-1995 & 2001, Paris). In 1996 she studied at the School of Fine Arts of Barcelona in the sculpture department, with the Erasmus Scholarship.
Before starting her studies in Paris she worked as a museologist in the first archeological educational programs for the Ministry of Culture (1986-1990). Since then she has organized various educational programs in collaboration with cultural institutions (Atelier Jean Bertholle, Archaeological Museums of Rhodes and Symi, Benaki Museum, National Archaeological Museum, Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Athens etc.).
Since 2004 she is an external collaborator of the Cultural Foundation of the Piraeus Bank Group in various issues of art and education. From 2006 to 2011 she worked as a professor of History of Art & Free Design at IEK AKMI.
From 2004-2018 she collaborated with the Gallery a.antonopoulou.art and participated in solo and group exhibitions in Greece and abroad.
In 2011-2012, she co-organised and presented with Pandora Mouriki the educational TV insert "Attention Colours" for ERT, Athens.
1991-1993&2001: Atelier Jean Bertholle, Paris, France
1996: Universitat de Barcelona - Faculty of Fine Arts, Barcelona, Spain (supported by Erasmus)
1990-1995: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France (supported by Saripolion Scholarships Foundation)
1990-1991: History of Art, Sorbonne Paris I, Paris, France
1984-1988: Archeology & History of Art, Kapodistriakon University of Athens, Greece
Solo exhibitions
2016: In real time, project in collaboration with Yannis Adoniou, Romantso, Athens, Greece
2016: Border crossing bars, Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation,Island of Lesvos, Greece
2014: Sometimes to lie is the best way to tell the truth, Fotagogos, Athens, Greece
2014: Yield Point, a.antonopoulou.art Gallery, Athens, Greece
2010: The space between us, Sanat Limani, Antrepo 5, project in collaboration with Piraeus Bank, Istanbul, Turkey
2010: Ex-machina/Dripping totem curated by Katerina Tselou, Tsalapata Museum, Volos, Greece
2009: Dom, a.antonopoulou.art Gallery, Athens, Greece
2004: Short cuts, a.antonopoulou.art Gallery, Athens, Greece
2003: Oxymoron, curated by Marina Fokidis, Oxymoron, Athens, Greece
1999: Antidoro, curated by Athina Zografos, French Institute, Rhodes, Greece
1997: Snow in the last backyard, Neo frourio, Corfu, Greece
1996: Peduces mutae, Maison des Arts de Conches, France
1996: Daft sleepiness, Maison des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
Selected group exhibitions
2024: Inside,Outside, Rebecca Camhi Gallery, Athens, Greece
2023: Mykonos Biennale
2023: Eminent domaine, Stoa 42, curated by Eleni Tsopotou, Athens, Greece
2022: The Big Kiosk, Rebecca Camhi Gallery, Athens, Greece
2022: Pyxis, Epistemologies of the Sun, curated by Marina Fokidis, Rebecca Camhi Gallery, Athens, Greece
2021: Weaving the Future III, Galeria e Arteve, Shkodër and Tirana, Albania,
with the Support of the Greek Ministry of Culture & Sports
2016: Border crossing bars, Fotagogos, Athens, Greece
2016: Art athina, a.antonopoulou.art Gallery, Athens, Greece
2015: Hang them high, Velvet room, Athens, Greece
2015: The taboo teller, We'll meet again, Kunsthalle Athena, Greece
2015: Ten velvet years, curated by Nadja Argyropoulou, Romantso, Athens, Greece
2014: Aformalities, curated by Eva Kekou, Cheaparthalandri, Athens, Greece
2014: Reflections on psychedelia, CAN Gallery, Athens, Greece
2014: Trickster, curated by Kostis Velonis and Alexandros Psyhoulis, a.antonopoulou art gallery, Athens, Greece
2013: The artist and the practice, Vamiali’s Gallery, Athens, Greece
2010: Art athina, a.antonopoulou.art Gallery, Athens, Greece
2010: Ex-Machina, project in collaboration with University of Thessalia and Pireus Bank Group, Volos, Greece
2009: Β' Προβολή curated by Katerina Tselou, Panorama 14, Center of Arts-Parko Eleftherias, Athens, Greece
2009: Kipu, curated by ‘Common View’, National Theatre of Greece, Athens, Greece
2007: Bioart, curated by Efi Michalarou, Bioiatriki, Athens, Greece
2007: Emergency Room, curated by Thierry Geoffroy, Ileana Tounta Gallery, Athens, Greece
2006: Anticorps, curated by Cristelle Detchevery, Espace des Blancs Manteaux, Paris, France
2005: Art athina, a.antonopoulou.art Gallery, Athens, Greece
2005: Art Show, curated by Marina Athanassiadou, Thessaloniki, Greece
2004: Arabian Night, installation, Improvisation III, (Kostis Velonis, Georgia Sagri), curated by Alkistis Poulopoulou, Foyer of the
Amore Theater, Athens, Greece
2004: YOS installation, (Sia Kyrakakos, Morgan Showalter, Dimitri Rotsios), From text to hypertext Mediaterra VI,
Byzantine Museum, Athens, Greece
2003: Dong Mung, curated by Sum Ni, Busan and Seoul, S.Korea
2002: Sensations, curated by Marina Fokidis, Technopolis-Gazi, Athens, Greece
2000: Itineraires contemporains, curated by Athina Zografos, French Institute, Rhodes, Greece
1996: Arcos da Lapa, in collaboration with Philippe Mouillon/French Ministry of Culture, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1996: Salon de mai, Grand Palais, Paris, France
1995: Greek artists in France, Galerie de l’Europe, Paris, France
1995: Salon de mai, Espace Eiffel-Branly, Paris, France
1994: Galerie Municipale de Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Educational programs
2017: The Silk Mansion
Organizing the educational workshop and illustration of the homonymous children's book (M. Tolka), Silk Museum,
Athens and Soufli, 2017
2016: Cultural landscapes
Organizing the training seminar on the occasion of the exhibition "Border crossing bars",
Museum of Industrial Olive Oil, Mytilene, May 2016
2011: Under the leaves, over the trees
Victoria square, June 2011 / Exarchia square, July 2011, Αthens
City of Athens Cultural Organisation
2011: The aqueduct of the Earth
Environment Museum of Stymfalia, April 2011
Cultural Foundation, Piraeus Bank Group
2010: Olivestone
Educational program based on the artistic practice of Joseph Beuys, The Museum of Industrial Olive Oil Production, Lesvos, March 2010
Cultural Foundation, Piraeus Bank Group
2010: Ex Machina project
University of Thessalia, Tsalapata Museum, Volos, 2010
2010: Dripping Totem
Art work made during the Ex Machina exhibition, Tsalapata Museum, Volos, Νovember 2009 - January 2010
Cultural Foundation, Piraeus Bank Group
2009: Kipou
National Theatre, Athens, 2009
2008: Olivestone
Educational program based on the artistic practice of Joseph Beuys, The Museum of the Olive, Sparta, October- December 2008
Cultural Foundation, Piraeus Bank Group
2008: Parallel stories
Educational program, organised as a part of the exhibition "Emergency Room" (Ileana Tounta art gallery).
Archeological Museum, Athens, October 2008
2008: Four seasons
The Museum of Industrial Olive Oil Production, Lesvos, April 2008
Cultural Foundation, Piraeus Bank Group
2008: Art and Travelers, from the 19th to the 21st century
Organising an educational program for high school students,
Benaki Museum, Athens, February-March 2008
2008: Τravelling with Argo
Benaki Museum, February 2008
(pilot program at the Hill school)
2006: Olivetree, our friend,
sets, costumes and visual intervention in the film of the same name for elementary school students,
Sparta-Athens, 2006,
Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation
2006: Art and Travelers, from the 19th to the 21st Century
Organising the educational program and elementary-high school students' brochures illustration and design,
Benaki Museum, Athens, April-May 2005-2006
2005: Olivetree, a mediterranean bridge
The Museum of the Olive, Sparta, April 2005
Cultural Foundation, Piraeus Bank Group
1999: Doric hexapolis
Organising the educational programs of Rhodes and Symi Museums, illustration & design of teachers' and students' brochures,
Rhodes and Symi, Ministry of Culture, 1998-1999
1989: Homer's Iliad: from myth to reality
Participation in the educational programs of the Ministry of Education, Mytilene - Florina - Athens, 1986-1989
1989: The Birth of writing
Ministry of Education, Athens 1987-1989
1989: Democracy in ancient Athens in the 5th century,
Ancient Agora, Athens, 1987-1989